Social scientist. Professor in Social Work and Social Policy
Academic positions
Associate Professor (with tenure) in Social Work and Social Policy, Centre for Sociological Research, KU Leuven (2022-…)
Assistant Professor (tenure track) in Social Work and Social Policy, Centre for Sociological Research, KU Leuven (2017-2022)
Research Associate at The International Centre for the Study of the Mixed Economy of Childcare (ICMEC), University of East London (2018-…).
Guest lecturer, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Antwerp (2015-2017).
Postdoctoral Research Fellow of the Research Foundation Flanders (FWO), Herman Deleeck Centre for Social Policy, University of Antwerp (2014-…).
Doctoral researcher, Herman Deleeck Centre for Social Policy, University of Antwerp (2010-2014).
Junior researcher, Herman Deleeck Centre for Social Policy, University of Antwerp (2008-2010).
Scientific collaborator, Centre on Inequalities, Poverty, Social Exclusion and the City (OASeS), University of Antwerp (2007).
Research visits abroad
Visiting Fellow, Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion (CASE), London School of Economics and Political Science (October-December 2017).
Visitor and Honorary Appointment, Crawford School of Social Policy, The Australian National University (December 2016).
Visiting researcher, The Swedish Institute of Social Research (SOFI), Stockholm University (June 2016)
Visiting researcher, The Swedish Institute of Social Research (SOFI), Stockholm University (May-June 2010).
PhD in Social Sciences, University of Antwerp (2010-2014).
MA in Political Sciences, Ghent University (2005-2007).
BA in Political Sciences, Ghent University (2003-2005).
BA in Multimedia and Communication Technology, University College West-Flanders (2000-2003).
Grants and awards
Elected member for the period 2023-2028 of the Young Academy of the Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium for Science and Arts.
Biennial Prize of the Research Council 2015, University of Antwerp (€5.000).
BOF small project (KP) research grant (€7.500).
Report commission by the European Parliament, Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality (FEMM) (€4.000).
FWO three-year Postdoctoral grant, Research Foundation Flanders.
Intersentia/EJSS 2012 Best Paper Prize for the paper Putting the child-centred investment strategy to the test: Evidence for the EU27 presented at the 2012 FISS Conference, Sigtuna, Sweden (€500).
EQUALSOC Travel Grant for visiting the Swedish Institute for Social Policy (SOFI) (€1.500).
Special Prize Karel Verleye for my master’s thesis “Recht op luiheid? Een politiek-filosofische analyse van het basisinkomen in het kader van een Sociaal Europa” (supervisor: Prof. dr. Patrick Loobuyck) (€100).
Member of Doctoral Committee
Christian Morabito, Ghent University, December 2015, member of the jury.
Freya Geinger, Ghent University, September 2017, member of the jury.
Dorien Van Haute, September 2018, Ghent University, member of the jury.
Zach Parolin, December 2018, University of Antwerp, co-supervisor.
Özgün Ünver, KU Leuven, 6 July 2019, member of the jury.
Tijs Laenen, KU Leuven, 8 November 2019, member of the jury.
Adeline Otto, KU Leuven, 31 January 2020, member of the jury.
Julie Vinck, KU Leuven/UAntwerpen, 7 September 2020, co-supervisor.
Martin Lukac, KU Leuven, 26 March 2021, member of the jury.
PhD committee member of dra. Silvia Girardi (KU Leuven/ LISER, promoter Prof. dr. Valeria Pulignano), ongoing.
PhD committee member of dra. Shauni Van Dooren (KU Leuven, promoter Prof. dr. Anja Declercq), ongoing.
PhD committee member of drs. Arno Van Hooteghem (KU Leuven, promoter Prof. dr. Bart Meuleman, Prof. dr. Koen Abts), ongoing.
Additional training
ITACE ERK level C1.
Academic English: Writing Research Papers, Oct-Nov 2008, Linguapolis Institute for Language and Communication, University of Antwerp.
ESPAnet/RECWOWE workshop on labour market flexibility, social protection, and family life, 19-20 Nov 2009, Tilburg University.
Doctoral workshop Multi-level approaches to the analysis of work, care and welfare: An introductory workshop to theory, data and analyses, 22-25 Feb 2010, Tilburg University.
Academic services
Governor and Treasurer of the Foundation for International Studies on Social Security (FISS) (2017-…).
Member of the academic council of the Minerva think thank (2017 – …).
Member of the steering committee of the 3d Policy research center on Well-being, health, and family (Steunpunt WVG) (2016-2017).
Jury Member for the 2016 ‘Emile Zola-prize’.
Member of the editorial board of Sociaal.Net (2015-…).
Member of the Faculty Council (2011-2013) of the University of Antwerp.
Member of the steering committee of the REMI project (2012-2013).
Member of the International Sociological Association (ISA) and its Research Committee on Research Committee on Poverty, Social Welfare and Social Policy (RC19).
Member of the Council for European Studies (CES).
Member of the Work and Family Researchers Network (WFRN).
Member of the Foundation of International Social Security Studies (FISS).
Member of the Flemish Association for Sociologists (Vlaamse Vereniging voor Sociologie).
Reviewer for CSB Working Paper Series, Res Publica, International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, GINI Discussion Paper Series, Improve Working Paper Series, European Societies, Journal of European Social Policy, Social Science Research, Journal of Social Policy, International Journal of Comparative Sociology, Community, Work & Family, Socio-Economic Review, Social Forces, European Sociological Review, Population Review, European Political Science Review, Studies in Educational Evaluation, Gender, Work & Organization, Social Problems.
Reviewer of book proposals for GESIS Book Series, Policy Press.
Reviewer for the European Commission’s ERC Starting Grant.
Organisation of workshops and conferences
Conference session ‘The Middle Class and its Impact on Poverty and Inequality’ (with Tim Reeskens), ESPAnet 15th Annual Conference, 14-16 September 2017, Lisbon, Portugal.
High-level seminar “Multidisciplinary approaches towards measuring non-take up”, University of Antwerp, 29 May 2017.
Conference session ‘Who benefits most from family policies?’ (with Rense Nieuwenhuis), ESPAnet 14th Annual Conference, 1-3 September 2016, Erasmus University Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
Expert workshop ‘Evaluating the effect of Child Care policies: improving comparative research tools’ (with Gerlinde Verbist, Cara McGenn), 9-11 September 2015, University of Essex, Essex – United Kingdom.
Seminar ‘Kindbeleid en Armoede’ (with Michel Vandenbroeck, An Van Haarlem and Danielle Dierckx), 12 September 2014, University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium.
Conference session ‘Investigating Consequences of Family Policy’ (with Elisabeth Ugreninov), ESPAnet 12th Annual Conference, 4-6 September 2014, Oslo, Norway.
Conference session ‘The Reorientation of Social Policy: Putting New Redistributive Strategies to the Test’ (with Ive Marx), XVIII ISA World Congress, 13-19 July, Yokohama, Japan.
Seminar ‘Kinderen, sociaal beleid en de zesde staatshervorming in Vlaanderen’ (with Gerlinde Verbist and Natascha Van Mechelen), 6 December 2013, Leopold Hotel, Antwerp, Belgium.
Workshop ‘Investing in the Household Triangle’ (with Joris Ghysels and Kim Vercammen), EQUALSOC FAMNET Workshop, 23 March 2010, University of Antwerp, Antwerp.
Seminar ‘Sociaal Europa = Werkend Europa?’ [Social Europe = Working Europe?] (with Ward Bosmans en Dirk Holemans), 7 March 2009, University of Antwerp, Antwerp.
Other professional activities
Member of the ‘Academische Reflectiegroep met betrekking tot de uitvoering van de zesde fase van de staatshervorming (deel Welzijn, Volksgezondheid en Gezin)’ (Academic Reflection Group on the sixth state reform) in 2013.
Invited expert for Gezinsbond, Belgisch Netwerk Armoedebestrijding, Kind en Gezin, Flemish government (Flemish Minister for Welfare, Public Health and Family, Flemish Minister for Innovation, Public investments, Media and Poverty reduction, Flemish Minister for Employment), Decenniumdoelen 2017, Robert Bosch Stiftung, SAR WGG (Strategische Adviesraad voor het Welzijns-, Gezondheids- en Gezinsbeleid), Province of Antwerp, FAMIFED, Koning Boudewijnstichting, European Parliament, UNICEF, Flemish Parliament, Federal Parliament.